I’m very excited to introduce you to our new FOCUS logo. The design was done by graphic designer Anabel Ruiz with Inflection Point. She presented 4 options to our website committee Sharyn Blongiewicz, Vikcy Bernitt and myself (We are always eager to add more to the team if you would like to volunteer).
We chose the above, then previewed at the Wine Testing Event last week where we had over 45 attendees. We had unanimous consent that this was a great logo to adopt.
We continue to make progress on a new website design. We choose a template and Inflection Point is now working to build it with our framework , logo and colors. Once this is done, we will be ready for “content” and much of the work shifts to us. We will keep you posted.
It was great to see so many members join us at the Wine Testing Event. Nearly everyone was fully vaccinated and ready for more time together. Starting next month, our meeting will be in person. We will be holding them on the 3rd Thursday of the month in both afternoon and evening venues. Watch the “Meeting” announcements from Lisa Storey.
And finally, thank you to our incredible membership who once again railed for an incredible 2nd quarter Food Drive. Aseltine School is so very appreciative. Kaye Sharp and Pat Robitaille made a delivery last monday that far exceeded our expectations. Special Thanks to Kaye Sharp for volunteering to chair our Food Drives for the remainder of the year.