Newsletter September 2021

FOCUS Friends of Children United Society / News  / Newsletter September 2021

President, Pat Robitaille

August has been a month of vacations and back to school for many.    Unfortunately, we are also seeing a rise in Covid infections and an impact on FOCUS.   Some of our agencies are having to cancel programs which have constrained our support to them.    Additionally, we are struggling with organizing in-person events due to sickness and concerns.

I will be sending out a survey and hoping you can help with some suggestions.    Our bi-laws state that we need to conduct at least 5 membership meetings per year.    As many of you know, we tried to have an awesome outdoor movie night on the 24th, but it just didn’t draw attendance such that we could proceed with the planned events.     As board members, we put a tremendous amount of time and effort into the planning and execution,   But we are also very aware that there are any number of reasons why our members are not coming out.    Please take the time to help us understand how to better plan by answering the survey when you receive it.

For now, we are holding off on membership meetings and will monitor the situation closely.    Our annual meeting that we planned for September 18 at the Kupka’s home is being cancelled due to Covid concerns at an indoor event.

Although we have not seen many of you at meetings, I must report that we have had a banner year of support for all of our projects.    So many of you have participated and/or made donations.    I am personally overwhelmed by your ongoing support.     We have a lot to be proud of and continue to do many great things for the kids of San Diego.   Thank you so much for your continued commitment to our cause.


With our new logo, it was important to update the FOCUS medallion at the Coronado Welcome sign on Orange Avenue at 3rd.   These are now made and awaiting the city Public Works department to get them installed.  Take a look when you drive in and out of the City.


We are still working hard to get our new website ready for launch.   In addition to all the design and process updates, we had a tremendous amount of new content that needed development.   As such, this project is taking a little longer.    Look forward to our announcement next month. It is going to be Great!